My Four Year Old’s Art Photos
September 3rd, 2014 | daily life
I’m not sure these photos Jaden took today require much explanation. This is slightly more than half the images he took. The beauty can’t be random, can it?

Crying in Office Depot Aisle 8
August 28th, 2014 | daily life parenting
Back to school! Second grade started Wednesday and I dragged Shayla clothes shopping and to get a haircut, rituals that feel as important as they are trivial. Why do we buy new clothes just before school starts? Our economy depends on us buying this stuff, but it’s deeper and more primal for me.

Disaster Avoided, Again
August 24th, 2014 | daily life
A long, rolling shake woke us this morning, a mild but persistent earthquake. Google says it was a 6.0 near Vallejo. It must have felt big there, but I’m not sure I would have noticed if it weren’t for the sliding door of the closet thumping rhythmically.

Our Historian
August 15th, 2014 | holidays and celebrations parenting
It’s been a year since we got married, and following a tradition I’ve heard about but never known anyone to actually do, we defrosted the top layer of our wedding cake and had it for dessert after dinner.

Both Here and There
July 29th, 2014 | daily life holidays and celebrations
I was startled looking at the Target check-out belt: skateboard, knee- and elbow-pads, and pullup diapers, all for the same kid.

Art, Vacations, Summer
July 14th, 2014 | daily life holidays and celebrations
We frontloaded summer vacation this year, a week of family camp that’s a beloved tradition, then a week at the beach in Southern California, a chance to prove to the kids that you actually can swim in the ocean, and time to hang out with all the grandparents. It was sweet.

Half a Life Ago
June 12th, 2014 | daily life
Twenty five years ago this week my mother, quite ill in the hospital, had her 54th birthday. She’d had surgery to install a port for some kind of chemotherapy, but she never fully woke up, though she did say “balloons” sometime after she came back from surgery. We had, in fact, filled the room with balloons. It was one of the last things she said, and two days later she died.

The Gold Trophy
June 9th, 2014 | daily life takes a village
The whole “micro” softball season was focused on the basics: which base to run to if you hit the ball (first), how to hit the ball (swing), how to work on a team (hint: not everybody should run for the ball at the same time). Nobody kept score, and at the end of the game each team did a cheer for the other team. 2-4-6-8, who do we appreciate?

Facing the Truth and Moving On
June 3rd, 2014 | daily life
Maybe parenting is the art of the impossible. How do you balance these crazy opposites?

Happy Mother’s Day
May 11th, 2014 | adoption
Did you ever set out with clear sights and end up doing exactly the wrong thing?

Stranger in Strange Lands
May 5th, 2014 | daily life gay dads
Parenthood, I’m finding, is a trip deep into unknown territory, from playdate to PTA. There’s the thrill of easy membership: they just accept that I’m the dad here — no proof required. And the welcome shock of feeling “post-gay”: my primary identity in most of these places is Shayla or Jaden′s dad. Everything else is a distant second.

Springggg Forward!
April 28th, 2014 | daily life
Like a cartoon character shot out of a catapult, we’re zooming through Spring. An intimate Passover Seder, a giant egg-dying-and-hunting kidstravaganza, and a million things in between. Will the dog’s eye require surgery? Should we give in and get Shayla a DS for her birthday? Is the kids’ mom alive, and would a visit be advisable? Does anybody make toddler pants waist size 5T, length 4T?

Time Zones
April 7th, 2014 | daily life
“Is Austin ahead of us or behind us,” my daughter Shayla asked.

My Kids’ Berkeley
March 13th, 2014 | daily life parenting
When it comes to geography, I’m a cat, not a dog. I’m slow to settle in. When I moved from Texas to the Bay Area, I loved it right away, but it took me a year or longer to start to feel like this was my home. Smaller moves across the bridge to San Francisco in 1993, and back to the East Bay in 2009, produced a similar shock.

The Old Ball Game
March 9th, 2014 | daily life gay dads
I’d already gotten Shayla to the first practice of softball league, had put on my team shirt, met the coach, and offered to help carry up the equipment to the field when it hit me: I was a little league conscientious objector, and have never learned the rules of the game. I’d pray a ball never came my way, and finally pouted enough that my mom agreed to let me drop out. In basketball in middle school the other team would sometimes pass me the ball because they knew I’d just get flustered and pass it right back.

Being the Practical One during a Family Flu
February 17th, 2014 | daily life parenting
You know if you’re the practical one. You sense when it’s garbage night. You have the phone number for the kids’ dentist and doctor. If you and your spouse both have the flu for 15 or more days, you’re more likely to rise from a 103 fever and pick up the kids from school. We practical ones are just wired that way, and we must like it, though we also enjoy the odd whine about how responsible we are.

Staying with Joy
January 28th, 2014 | daily life parenting
Sunday was gorgeous in Northern California, weirdly summery and hot, and we were at a memorial for my friend Frank Sclafani, who died suddenly and unexpectedly in the fall, a young, vibrant 59, gone too soon.

Parenting in an Individualistic Culture
January 20th, 2014 | parenting takes a village
Before kids, I pined so much for kid time. The longing was profound. I’m so happy to have kids now, overjoyed! But I’m surprised how lonely parenting can be. It’s like we’ve stepped through this door into a different world, and I haven’t completely adjusted; I don’t know enough people in my new land.