daily life

Broken Baseball Dreams
August 7th, 2018 | daily life
Of the whole summer, this was the week I was most worried about, though for the wrong reasons.

Coming Back
June 28th, 2018 | daily life
Returning to civilization from a week at family camp is a delicate operation. I find myself out of sorts, wondering why I can’t finish 3 books a week, sit by the pool, and let the college kids entertain my children and feed us all.

Seeking Happiness
May 19th, 2018 | daily life
I’m sure it will jinx everything to even write this down. There’s a good chance that my years-long quest will be jeopardized by even thinking this thought. But I believe that Comcast may have, might have, could have… fixed my internet connection.

Big Cheese
April 29th, 2018 | daily life
I have to say, the stakes are somewhat small. The PTA of our fantastic and lovely elementary school raises $150,000 to $170,000 a year, to support the teachers and kids. Fantastic for our community, and nothing to sneeze at. But hardly Forbes Magazine territory. Someone who managed to steal it all could have a very nice couple years in France, but wouldn’t be able to buy an island in the Caribbean, or retire for life.

My Month Off Facebook
December 29th, 2017 | daily life
It was an impulse, unplanned, but in retrospect inevitable. This had been coming. In early December I deleted Facebook off my phone.

October 14th, 2017 | daily life
My mother lived only 2 days into her 54th year, and the end of her life was a case study of how we sometimes ramp up, into expensive and invasive treatment and activity, just when some softening and easing would be perfect. “We’ll fight this and beat this” has its place, but the push and urgency and violence of medical interventions that might make sense if the patient could recover seem a cruel setup when “winning” isn’t likely. Framing death as losing isn’t the nicest trip to lay on someone who should be settling her business and getting ready to leave the planet in peace.

Cub Scouts and Knausgaard
October 3rd, 2017 | daily life parenting
Really all I need is a simple way back to now. And I need it again, and again, and again. When I escape the trap of my worries, the real world seems so solid and beautiful.

Remembering Finnegan, 2001 – 2017
July 24th, 2017 | daily life
Finnegan was 16 and a half years old, which is quite up there for a Jack Russell Terror Terrier. Most of his life he was everything you’d expect: feisty and full of bravado, snuggly and in need of comfort. Jay says that as a puppy Finnegan charged out into the back yard, barking fiercely and wildly at a baby raccoon. He put on quite a show, but when called back inside, he came. And fainted dead away.

Summer Fever Dream
June 8th, 2017 | daily life
We’ve needed rain so much, and the Spring delivered. Rain, and rain, and more rain. We’re headed into the dry season but the plants are gloriously happy. The pollen shimmers in the warming air, and as the kids’ summer break speeds towards me I find myself in a strangely frantic lethargy. There’s so much to do, yet a strangely limp energy to work with. In the morning none of us can wake up, a wooly blanket over us when it seems like the early sunrise should light up our spirits.

April 5th, 2017 | daily life
Jay’s aunt Leona Cohen passed this week. She was 91. The end was expected, but then it didn’t come for awhile. She rallied and had a good period. It felt like a surprise when she died on Sunday, but I guess death always feels like a surprise, unbelieveable even as it is unavoidable.

Flu Dog
March 17th, 2017 | daily life
I’m not sure about where a cold ends and the flu begins, but there’s a pretty bright line when I stop making dinner and take to bed. My husband and kids were on their own for parts of this week while I’ve been in an altered state.

February 27th, 2017 | daily life
There’s been plenty to have the winter blues about, this winter.

The Darkest Night
December 21st, 2016 | daily life
Sometimes I feel at odds with the whole world, in ways large and small.

September 27th, 2016 | daily life gay dads parenting
Two recent endings have me feeling a bit deflated, though it’s been tough to figure out exactly why.

Puppy Medicine
September 19th, 2016 | adoption daily life
It wasn’t long after we started trying marijuana that we realized we wanted another dog. Even though the pot was being ingested by our elderly dog Finnegan, I’m sure more than one person hearing this news will think we’re high on drugs ourselves, but no.

My Dog’s Pot Club
September 5th, 2016 | daily life
Recent changes in our elderly Jack Russell Terrier had me looking for treatment alternatives.

Two Books
February 19th, 2016 | daily life
As a somewhat introverted person, my different roles sometimes feel like parallel lives. I’m a father, a son, a husband. A web producer, geek, proud member of the PTA. I’m a gay man, a political moderate (not easy!) and have my level 2 Reiki certification.

Death and Cookies
February 5th, 2016 | daily life
The girl scout industrial complex landed this week and there was nowhere to hide. Of course it’s my own fault. Last year Shayla got excited and we sold lots of cookies. When the Troop needed a Cookie Manager, it seemed harmless enough. Why not store a few cookies in the garage and help out?