I Guess Not This Year
December 15th, 2011 | holidays and celebrations waiting and wanting kids
I believe in magical thinking, and I try to never say never. But. But. But. I have to admit, we’re not going to get kids this year, not before Hanukkah, Christmas, or New Years. Nope.
The Joy of the Holiday Card
December 12th, 2011 | holidays and celebrations
I just love Christmas cards, annual holiday letters, and family photos that come in the mail.
The Color-Coded Tree
December 4th, 2011 | holidays and celebrations
We put up our Christmas tree today, and I love the smell of pine, the forest-y mess of the needles and dust. But every year I put up a tree, I remember vividly my childhood Christmas job with a very different tree.
Thankful at Last
November 27th, 2011 | holidays and celebrations waiting and wanting kids
I love all of the holidays, and always have. My mother made my brother and I hunt for Easter Eggs every spring until I was in my 20s. As long as she lived, the holidays were enforced, in a good way.